After a fun day in the rainforest and the coral reef, the team got to work on Sunday night preparing for the planned work.
Community Meetings - Students and faculty representing each academic discipline met with five-sever members the Red Bank and Independence communities. The students introduced themselves and talked about the service projects that were planned. They asked for ideas and recommendations from the members of the community. We listened intently for cultural differences and for information that we should be mindful of as we enter a culture very different from our own. All of the students were well prepared and represented the University and their disciplines very well. The community members talked about the culture, the history, the problems and concerns, and the health of the community. We gained better insights and adjusted our plans. Pamela Simpson commented that this was her favorite part of the trip so far. The communities have similar concerns to care, education, things for the youth to do, alcohol and drug use, etc. All of us are more mindful of the people and the community needs.
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